SPAWN: Small Publishers, Artists, and Writers Network
The Seven Vital Elements of a Successful Nonfiction Book Proposal By Mary Embree
Whether you have already written a nonfiction book or are contemplating writing one you will need to know what it takes to sell it. A book proposal can be prepared no matter what stage of writing you are currently in. In fact, the preparation of a book proposal is recommended even before you start writing because it can become a guide to the process, an outline for your book and a checklist of what your book should contain in order to have a chance for success.
There are seven major factors that make for a best-selling nonfiction book. There are also seven major parts to a book proposal. If you address all of these issues carefully and your book meets most of the following criteria, your chances of getting published will be greatly improved. Even if you are planning to self-publish, your book will sell better if it is well organized and has a professional appearance. Your standards must be as high as any other publisher.
What Makes a Nonfiction Book Successful? Read more here ...
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