
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Please help ban a cruel, sadistic fire torture of bulls in Spain!

Bulls deliberately set on fire and left to burn to death as part of the "Fire Bull Festival"! Please sign the petition at the link provided here

In Medinaceli, a picturesque town in the province of Soria, Spain, a "tradition" called "Toro Júbilo" brings shame on Spain. On the second weekend in November, balls of pitch (a sticky black substance made from tar or turpentine) will once again be stuck onto the horns of a bull and set on fire. The burning bull is called "Toro de Fuego" (literally "bull on fire").

The bull is then released onto the streets and can do nothing but run around in pain. The bull often smashes into walls in an attempt to douse the fire. The agony the bull must suffer is unimaginable. These fiery balls can burn for hours, and they burn the bull's horns, body and eyes and cause tremendous stress – all while spectators cheer and run around the victim until it dies a slow agonizing death. This practice serves nothing but to show the inhumanity of humanity!

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