
Friday, June 15, 2012

Dandenong Council (Aust) wants to take beloved pet and family member off family! Please sign petition...

After eleven years of being a greatly loved member of the family, the Dandenong Council has ruled their pet, because it is a sheep, should be taken away because it is livestock! The family has spent over $150,000 already trying to fight this ruling, which certainly shows how much these people love their pet. Please sign the petition to help urge this council to shown a shred of compassion and allow these people to keep their loved family member. In other countries, cats and dogs are considered food animals, livestock, so any ruling that a particular type of animal is livestock or pet is arbitrary and subjective, not fact.

Last year the Dan­de­nong Ci­ty coun­cil fined lo­cal resi­dent Vu Ho for hav­ing a sheep, Baa, on his sub­ur­ban prop­er­ty. Coun­cil told Mr Ho he could not cont­in­ue pro­vid­ing a home to Baa as she was con­sid­ered live­s­tock, and or­dered her re­moved from her home.

Mr Ho re­gards Baa as “a mem­ber of my fam­i­ly” who has lived with him peace­ful­ly for eleven years, and said “I have to help her un­til the end of all of my ca­pac­i­ty”. He has so far racked up over $150,000 in le­gal fees try­ing to fight the coun­cil’s bul­ly­ing tac­tics.

If a lo­cal coun­cil or­dered a rate­pay­er to re­move a fam­i­ly dog or cat from their home we would be ou­t­raged, and we should be no less ou­t­raged in this in­s­tance. Baa is a beloved fam­i­ly mem­ber who by all ac­counts is al­so a loved mem­ber of the street – she used to spend her days peace­ful­ly eat­ing grass and the treats pro­vid­ed to her by Mr Ho. Sheep and other so called ‘live­s­tock’ have rich emo­tio­n­al lives and feel sad­ness, love, fear and other emo­tions just as do dogs and cats.

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