
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Big Cats are NOT pets! Please sign petition to help stop "pet ownership" of big cats...

Target: U.S. Congress Sponsored by: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) In the past two decades, 21 people -- 5 of them children -- have been killed by captive big cats in the United States. And there have been 246 maulings -- and 254 escapes. It is estimated that there are now between 10,000 and 20,000 big cats in private ownership in the United States, with more tigers privately-owned than exist in the wild. It's virtually impossible for a private owner to provide an appropriate habitat for a large wild cat. Sadly, the cats often live their entire adult lives in cramped backyard kennels, basements or even warehouses. Two members of the House of Representatives, Rep. Buck McKeon and Rep. Loretta Sanchez, have just introduced a bipartisan bill (the 'Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act') that would prohibit the private possession of big cats (except by accredited zoos and wildlife sanctuaries). Please sign this petition to urge Congress to pass this lifesaving legislation.

140 battery hens crammed in tiny cages, rescued from slaughter, take their first ever steps on grass (video)

Late last month, the Canadians for Ethical Treatment of Food Animals Rescue Crew organized and rescued 140 battery-caged hens who were destined for slaughter. The hens had spent more than a year crammed into battery cages — these are barren wire cages so small the birds can’t even spread their wings. The hens were given a second chance at life and are now able to stretch their wings and legs, have dustbaths, preen and feel the sun on their backs and the grass beneath their feet.Brought to you by The Great Animal Rescue Chase. Come on over and share your rescue story and photos too Written by Twyla Francois of the Canadians for Ethical Treatment of Food Animals

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Help Reunite Soldiers and Their Pets! To help, simply sign this petition!

Petition sponsored by SPCA International SPCA International's (SPCAI) Operation Baghdad Pups program is attempting to rescue more than 30 animals from war zones overseas by June 1st. We need your support! Due to the extreme Middle Eastern heat, air travel becomes unsafe for animals and all airlines place an embargo on animal travel, which remains in effect until October 1st. If SPCAI cannot rescue these animals before June 1st, when the Summer Embargo begins, many of their soldiers will be forced to leave their animal companions behind to certain death. Please, help today! Our U.S. troops are waiting to hear that we will help. The first step is showing your support for reuniting soldiers with their animal companions by signing this pledge.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spain, Stop Celebrating by Cruelly Abusing Donkeys! Please sign...

Target: Villanueva de la Vera, Spain

Sponsored by: Susan V and Concerned Citizens

It is sadly ironic that on a day meant as a reminder of the season of penance, the people of a small village in Spain would so cruelly sin against an innocent animal.

Every year on Shrove Tuesday, the village of Villanueva de la Vera hosts the carnival of Peropalo, a drunken party for many, but a day of hell for a Spanish donkey.

The Donkey Sanctuary published an eyewitness account of this year's cruelty - how the poor creature was visibly terrified as, mounted by a drunken rider, it was forced through a surging crowd, with firing shotguns and clanging bells, subjected to dousing with wine and beer, until the poor exhausted creature collapsed in the street.

Not every time do these animals rise again after such abuse. The Sanctuary has campaigned for 25 years to end these atrocities to no avail, despite the fact that the practice violates the region's own animal welfare laws.

Tell Spain to End These Shrove Tuesday Atrocities and Stop the Cruel Treatment of Spanish Donkeys.

Magic mushrooms & Reindeer - Weird Nature - BBC animals (video)

Watch this short video from BBC wildlife show 'Weird Nature' to learn more about the reindeer appetite for intoxicating fungi, and perhaps discover a little more about the origins of Santa's flying companions!

Stop Using Endangered Snow Leopards in Chinese Medicine! Please sign petition to help stop this terrible practice!

Target: Ministry of Finance International Department -Director General Mr. Xiaosong Zheng, Deputy Director Ms. Jiandi Ye Sponsored by: Animal Advocates The endangered Snow leopard is a semi-large cat living in the snowy mountains of Central Asia. It has been included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species since 1972, and has been placed in Appendix I in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The total mature breeding population is less than 2,500. Bones from the endangered Snow leopard is used in traditional Chinese medicine. When bones from the like ways endangered Tiger grew harder to obtain, bones from the Snow leopard became popular as a substitute which placed an even harder strain on the already diminished Snow leopard population. The endangered Snow leopard is hunted to provide bones for the regional markets as well as for international trade. We ask the Chinese government to support alternative medicines that do not include the use of endangered animals. SOURCE: Mr. Xiaosong Zheng Director General Ministry of Finance - International Department Sanlihe Xicheng District Beijing - 100820 China Tel: + 8610 6855 1122 Fax: + 8610 6855 1125 EMail: Ms. Jiandi Ye Deputy Director Ministry of Finance IFI Division III International Department San Li He St. Xichengqu Beijing - 100820 China Tel: + 86 10 6855-1171 Fax: + 86 10 6855 1125 EMail: