
Giant Freshwater Stingray (video) by National Geographic

Unknown to science until 1990, the giant freshwater stingray is an elusive creature that inhabits deep rivers in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Northern Australia. Contrary to the narrators choice of words, I would say this animal is a Miracle of nature, NOT a monster.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Farm Animals Kicked and beaten to death. Please sign to stop this terrible abuse...

Target: Lee Grant, Chief Executive of the RSPCA's Freedom Food

Sponsored by: Dianne Hillier- Supporter of Hillside Animal Sanctuary

Urge RSPCA to Prosecute Little Thorns farm, near Swaffham, Norfolk, UK.

Yet another organisation has been able to release shocking undercover footage of an RSPCA Freedom Food accredited farm in Norfolk showing 'callous and cruel' treatment of pigs, including a piglet being hit on the head with a bar, pigs being hit, kicked and slapped, and another being thrown over a gate, appearing injured afterwards.

Lee Grant, chief executive of the RSPCA's Freedom Food, was quoted as saying that he was 'absolutely disgusted' by what he saw on the footage and that it was 'absolutely unacceptable' Yet, despite such stirring words for the press, the RSPCA have stated that they will NOT be prosecuting or even pursuing an investigation!

Mr Grant added that the practices he saw at the Freedom Food unit were "extremely rare" and he was "convinced" that it did not happen at other farms under the Freedom Food label. This is despite Hillside's own investigations highlighting conditions on over a dozen Freedom Food farms that were so bad they became the subject of a high profile television programme or shamed the RSPCA into initiating their own prosecution! Animal Aid have also been successful in exposing terrible conditions on other Freedom Food farms, and very recently the treatment of pigs at the RSPCA Freedom Food accredited slaughterhouse, Cheale Meats.

It is hard to understand how Lee Grant can claim such ignorance of the cruelty and neglect which we, and others, have shown to be commonplace on many RSPCA Freedom Food farms!

How many more farms will be exposed before the RSPCA admit their Freedom Food scheme does nothing more than cover up cruelty and neglect and continually fails to provide the high animal welfare standards that it promises?

You may watch the footage obtained by 'Animal Equality', which includes graphic scenes, by clicking the link below...

Help close Oxford University's Animal Torture Lab...Sign here...

Target: Government of United Kingdom

Sponsored by: Dianne Houlli

In 2004 despite the (then) labour government's assurances that they would be reducing animal testing in this country, they went ahead, despite virulent protest from animal rights campaigners, to build the largest animal testing facility in Europe. This being housed within what is supposed to be the centre of learning and enlightenment, Oxford University!

Oxford University began work to build their new £18 million animal torture lab in early 2004, just weeks after the announcement by Cambridge University that they were to abandon their plans to build Europes largest primate lab due to the protests that had been held against them and their rising security costs

Right from the beginning Oxford University have been less than truthful about this new building and what will happen inside, the animals are kept locked away within what is a virtually a fortress.

At the beginning of 2004 the university claimed that it was to be an ˜animal hotel. They said that NO experiments would be carried out there and there would be NO primates. These statements were to mark the start of a series of lies and misinformation that has proven to be JUST THE BEGINNING. In August 2004 a leading Oxford Professor claimed that the monkeys being experimented at Oxford on lived the life of riley and that there was no pain or stress involved. These words are from a researcher who has routinely inflicted brain damage on highly intelligent and sensitive creatures and whose own published papers describe how after one experiment the monkeys required intensive nursing to keep them alive.

Here is an example of one of their "scientific experiments":

Scientists from the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Newcastle and the University of Western Ontario (Canada) teamed up to conduct a long-term study of brain behaviour in two male macaque monkeys. Both monkeys underwent brain surgery to implant electrodes, which recorded brain activity. The implant was held in place by stainless steel screws, a head bolt and dental cement.

The monkeys were seated in a sound-proof room, in a purpose-built ˜primate chair“ an apparatus that restricts body movement. During each experimental session, the restrained monkey was exposed to a stream of pictures. His task was to hold his stare until he saw a fish. All of the experimental brain and eye recordings were computer-controlled, as was the delivery of a juice reward. An incorrect stare or no response on the part of the monkeys resulted in no reward being given. In all, the monkeys underwent 67 experimental sessions. What happened to them after the sessions was unrecorded.

It has been proven over and over that animal research is not only completely misleading but downright dangerous, giving false results and enabling the giant pharmaceutical companies to get their products released onto the market by supposedly showing that these products are safe on rats or primates.

The following is a selection of statements submitted to the public inquiry at Cambridge regarding animal research:

* 'The track record of primate research is abysmal. The abandonment of animal models is absolutely vital for medicine to advance.' - Ray Greek MD, Medical Director of Europeans For Medical advancement.

* 'No species can function as a reliable biological model for another species. Even the chimpanzee, our closest relative in evolutionary terms, is no model for research on the human brain.' - Professor Claude Reiss, Director of Alzheim' R&D - representing Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine.

* 'It is ethically problematic, to say the least, to willingly waste money on primate experimentation such that more clinically relevant human research must go underfunded.' - Lawrence Hansen MD, Professor of Pathology and the Neurosciences, University of California San Diego School of Medicine.

With stem cell research developing fast and more and more scientists taking a stand against animal testing, why now invest billions into this hideous facility? With a history of inaccurate results being produced by "testing on animals" such as the marketing of thalidomide and many many other "errors" it has been proven countless times that animal testing is barbaric, outdated and unethical. Above all it holds medical and scientific research back instead of advancing it. This lab is a disgrace to Oxford and to science and to human beings. For more information please see SPEAK campaigns website.

Stop the construction of new animal experimentation (and animal torture) facility. Please sign...

Stop the construction of new UBC animal experimentation facility. Please sign below. Animal experimentation is legalized and science sanctioned animal torture and cruelty. There are more efficient, cost effective, quicker, and certainly more humane ways of determining drugs and procedures effectiveness (For example human cell cultures and clinical trials).

Target: The President of University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus

Sponsored by: Concerned care2 members

UBC (University of British Columbia) Is planning the construction of a new 4500 sq. ft animal research facility at the Okanagan. Brian Vincent, member of a non profit organization called "Stop UBC Animal Research" says that UBC went out of their way to keep details of this facility secret.

Chris Harvey-Clark, veterinarian and Director of UBC's animal care says that 95 percent of animal testing will be done on mice and fish,and when possible, experimentation will be done on cell cultures and with computer programs.Activists are not convinced about the reassurances from a program kept in the dark.

In 1998 there were around 1.8 million animals used in research, since then, this number has risen to over 2 million, and UBC is leading the growth in animal research.

End Horrific Experiments on Chimpanzees! Info, Videos & How you can help...

James Franco and Kevin Nealon have joined PCRM to work to pass the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act this year. Watch their video and take action.

The Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act (H.R. 1513/S. 810) makes sense—ethically, scientifically, and financially. Key provisions of the bill will:

Phase out the use of chimpanzees in invasive research in both federally funded and private laboratories Release the more than 500 federally owned chimpanzees to sanctuaries Prohibit future breeding of chimpanzees for purposes of conducting invasive research

Many of the chimpanzees currently living in U.S. laboratories were captured from the wild as infants and have spent several decades in cages the size of a kitchen table, subject to repeated invasive procedures and breeding. Just imagine what it would be like to spend 50 to 60 years trapped inside a 5-by-7-by-7 cage. Research funding would be better spent on superior, 21st-century methods.

Stand with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in support of the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act (H.R. 1513/S. 810). Support ethics. Support sound science. Support fiscal responsibility. Support the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act (H.R. 1513/S. 810) today.



Chimpanzees suffer, as a result of stress and trauma, from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, similar to humans.

The United States is the only nation still using chimpanzees in large-scale invasive research.


Although chimpanzees are our closest genetic relatives, physiological differences make chimpanzees poor models for human health research.

Leading hepatitis C researchers are using human cell based research methods instead of chimpanzees.


More than $200 million in federal tax dollars were spent on chimpanzee experiments between fiscal year 2000-2010.

Only 20 percent of chimpanzees in laboratories are used in research at any given time, while 80 percent are warehoused at taxpayer expense.


Also check their action alerts to help stop other forms of cruel animal experimentation here.

Dr. Jane Goodall's Lecture at Khalifa University (Part 1 of 7 documentary) video

Dr. Jane Goodall, British Primatologist, Ethologist, Anthropologist and UN Messenger of Peace visited Khalifa University's Abu Dhabi campus and delivered a lecture named "Reasons for Hope", where she told her story in Africa and her research with the chimpanzees. She then spoke about sustainability and how people can still hope to save our green planet. During her speech, Sara Saeed Bawazir, Khalifa University's President of Green Crescent club, also spoke to the community where she encouraged the audience to sign up for the club to support "Roots & Shoots" an environmental program for the youth. Jane Goodall is the most famous chimpanzee expert in the world. A colleague of anthropologist Louis Leakey in Kenya in the late 1950s, she began studying the social organization of chimpanzees in 1960s, in what is now Tanzania. She obtained her PhD from Cambridge in 1965 and in 1967 she established Tanzania's Gombe Stream Research Center. Her research, based on extensive field work, is considered a milestone in the study of chimpanzees. Goodall has been a visiting professor at a number of universities, including Stanford University among others and has held a position at Tanzania's University of Dar es Salaam since 1973. She's the author of several books, including In the Shadow of Man and My Life with The Chimpanzees. She was presented the CBE by Queen Elizabeth II.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cheetah and Dog celebrate one year as best friends! (video)

"This social bond will be a very similar relationship, and they will be together for life,” Most people think of cats and dogs as being polar opposites on the spectrum of friendship. That is true for most of the time and it is a fact that dogs have been chasing cats for time memorial. However many times the two species do actually form a friendship if they live in the same household. But at Busch GardensTampa Bay in Florida, the cat/dog friendship takes on a new twist. Last year, visitors to were first introduced to an adorable pair of newborns -- a tiny cheetah cub named Kasi, and a yellow-lab puppy named Mtani. They had little in common beyond the timing and circumstances of their birth, but the bonds of friendship soon proved too strong to be diminished by their differences. For their first 12 months of their lives, the cheetah-puppy relationship seems destined to be a lifelong one. (read more below)
For most of their young lives, Kasi and Mtani have been together at Busch Gardens much to the enjoyment of park guests. But as inspiring as Kasi and Mtani's bond may be, the pairing was ispired with a purpose in mind. Cheetahs are very social animals and because there was not another cheetah at the wildlife park, they set out to arrange another friendship. Cheetahs in the wild are listed as a threatened species, with only a few thousand left. Kasi and Mtani have done wonders to raise awareness of this fact and have inspired donations towards wildlife conservation from those who might otherwise not think to help. Recently Busch Gardens Tampa celebrated a milestone anniversary for their very special relationship. On Monday, April 16th it was the one-year anniversary of the first time park guests got to see an 8-week-old male cheetah cub and a 16-week-old female yellow Labrador puppy begin a friendship that is expected to last a lifetime. Article courtesy of White Wolf Check out their website for other great stories and clips.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A gorgeous animal video to make you smile...

"Animals are my friends. I don't eat my friends." - Famous writer George Bernard Shaw

Ask Wayne State University to Stop Inhumane, Painful Dog Experiments

Please sign this petition to help stop this terrible practice.
Target: Allan Gilmour, President of Wayne State University Sponsored by: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Queenie, pictured, was a friendly dog when she came to Wayne State University, but two major surgeries left her scared and in pain. She was forced to run dozens of strenuous treadmill tests, suffering for months inside of the lab until experimenters broke one of the devices in her body. At that point, Queenie was killed. Dogs like Queenie are purchased from Class B "random source" dealers and sold to institutions conducting gruesome lab experiments. Many of the dogs come from shelters, where they could be placed in new homes. Instead, they undergo major surgeries, are implanted with medical devices, and experience unrelenting pain for months. Wayne State University is touted as a leading research institution, and should live up to that reputation by focusing on groundbreaking human-based epidemiological studies, clinical trials and computer modeling instead of continuing to use dogs. Send a message to Wayne State University's President asking him to stop this cruelty immediately.

Two hours of "entertainment" = a lifetime of misery (elephants & big cats in circuses)

Please sign this petition to help end this for good. Circuses are great, but not at the expense of compassion. These circus elephants and big cats are forced to perform difficult, often dangerous tasks, day in day out; crammed in small cages, traveling constantly, kept from natural interaction with others of their own kind, elephants often chained in one place for many hours. This is no life for these majestic, intelligent animals. Give them their freedom.

It has been proven that animals in the circus are beaten and abused to make them do unnatural tricks for human entertainment. Many countries such as Bolivia and Greece have banned animals in the circus. Please, No Animals in the Circus.


USDA Penalizes Ringling $270,000, largest fine in circus history -

Expose on Ringling, 'Cruelest Show on Earth' by Deborah Nelson, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist -

Elephants Hit with Bullhooks by Ringling Employees. -

Fact Sheet of Deaths, Failure to Comply, Elephant Tuberculosis, Impeding Investigations, Criminal Activity, Declining Popularity -

Let this touch your heart in viewing the suffering -

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pollution Statistics - What is happening to our world, or should I say, what are we doing to our world?

A Look at Pollution by the Numbers - article by Adria Saracino from Care2

When I was a kid, the newspapers were full of reports about acid rain. I remember learning about the hole in the ozone. I remember watching cartoons on Saturday mornings and Woodsy Owl imploring that we “Give a hoot, don’t pollute.”

I think the idealist in me believed that I was growing up in a world that was recognizing the damage it had done to the earth. I thought that by the time I reached adulthood these issues would be addressed, we’d heal our earth, and we’d live in harmony with nature. Obviously, I was wrong.

As Earth Day 2012 approaches, let’s take a moment to reflect on some statistics on pollution and some tips for how we can all start pitching in more.

Air Pollution

While we’ve successfully managed to cut back on some environmental pollutants in our air, air quality and pollution is becoming an increasing problem. With hugely populated countries like China and India industrializing rapidly, the air quality is looking to get worse before it gets better.

- In the United States, exhaust from vehicles make up approximately 60 percent of all carbon monoxide emissions countrywide. Furthermore, each tank of gas the average sedan consumes adds 330 pounds of carbon dioxide to the pollution.

- International Wildlife magazine reports that in since 1987, U.S. factories have been releasing over 1.2 million tons of toxic chemicals directly into our atmosphere.

- Worldwatch State of the World Report estimates that, in the U.S. alone, air pollution is the leading factor in almost $40 billion in health care expenditures and lost time from work.

So what can we do? First, try to rely on public transportation, bicycling, and walking as much as possible. Even just parking the car one day a week can have a huge impact on your carbon footprint.

Next, consolidate the number of trips you’ll need to utilize your vehicle for. Instead of running to the store once or twice a day, try to dedicate one day to running errands and get as much of it done as possible.

Finally, don’t let your car idle. After 10 seconds of idling, you are actually using more gas than if you turned the engine off and restarted.

Soil Pollution

Our soil is being polluted in a variety of ways. Studies have shown that our soil contains up to 100 pathogens and toxins, and more recently, we’re even finding evidence of trace amounts of antibiotics, such as hormones from birth control pills, in wildlife.

- One of our largest sources of soil pollution is the agricultural industry. The EPA reports that fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation systems, large factory farms, grazing, and plowing are all adding pollutants into our soil and damaging animal habitats and stream channels. In the U.S. alone, 40 percent of pesticides are used on corn crops.

- Coal burning power plants contribute 54 percent of our energy consumption. Not only does the burn off contaminate our air, but also coal ash from the plants is toxic and oftentimes ends up in our ground soil.

- Landfills are another source of soil contamination. Byproducts and toxins leech out from them and, through the groundwater supply, end up in soil samples all over the country. Scientists have found evidence that these harsh toxins are making their way into the food chain, which is endangering many of our native animal populations.

So what’s the solution? It’s clear that we need to start relying on more sustainable methods for agriculture. You can help by trying to buy organic as much as possible. Supporting small, local farmers can also go a long way on cutting back on the amount of pollution.

In the summer, try growing as many of your own vegetables as you can. Even in urban areas, many people are creatively utilizing small spaces to grow a hefty amount of their own produce.

Also, reduce your usage of electricity. Be vigilant in turning off lights, unplugging appliances, and reducing the amount of energy expended towards air conditioning and heat.

Water Pollution

Worldwide, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for people to access clean drinking water. The U.N. reports that about half of the world’s population is subject to polluted drinking waters, which results in as many as 6 to 10 million deaths annually. We’re dealing with a floating island of trash in the Pacific ocean, and, on top of that, we are seeing entire ocean ecosystems, like corals which are essential for ocean well-being, floundering. Here’s what water pollution looks like here in the U.S.

- Every year the Mississippi River, which carries about 2/5ths of our groundwater out to sea, dumps a million and a half metric tons of nitrogen waste into the Gulf of Mexico each summer.

- A large percentage of what we throw away actually ends up in the sea. It’s estimated that about 80 percent of what we throw away can actually be recycled.

- According to Carl Jaeckel of the law firm Atlanta Injury Lawyers, the number of injury claims brought against municipalities for polluted groundwater is on the rise. In these economic times, these cases can pose a huge tax burden on residents and cities.

- More than 70 types of pesticides have been discovered in groundwater, which is our source for drinking water.

- The EPA estimates that over 40 percent of our lakes, rivers, and streams are too polluted for swimming, drinking, and fishing.

So how can we stop this? Again, we need to think about sustainable practices. The old adage “reduce, reuse, recycle” is just as important now as when it was coined. Make certain that you are thoroughly recycling your trash. It’s probably a good idea to check with your city to see what you can recycle, as recent advances in recycling are making it easier to recycle more types of plastics and papers. If your city doesn’t have a decent recycling program, talk to your local city counsel about pushing forward new initiatives.

Buy foods that are unwrapped as often as possible. And finally, we all know that we live in a consumerist society. However, if things break, consider fixing them instead of chucking them out. Buy as much as you can secondhand and always remember that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Utilize resources such as Craigslist and Freecycle to give your old possessions a new home.

We have a long way to go to restore Earth to the state it was before Industrialization, and we all need to do our part to start this world down that path. Of course, the biggest factor in cleaning up this world will be legislation. So as we do our part in our home lives, we also need to focus on electing folks who see fighting pollution as a front-burner issue and we need to keep our politicians accountable.

stock photo courtesy of Big Stock Photo.

Read more:

(GMP - Publisher's Note: I agree that we need to keep the politicians accountable; but it is the general populace with our attitude to "stuff" - our consumerism and the wastefulness of our "disposable society" which has helped to create generate this mess. Unless we have a rethink in how we approach our individual lives and lifestyles, our world will continue to suffer.)

Saving A Beautiful Wolf From Icy Waters - Inspirational video

A translation from Italian which appears in the video, has been provided here by Gabriella.

The wolf saved from the icy waters of Limentra (Bolognese Apennines, January 9), will live. But he still needs of treatment before he can finally listen to the call of the wild. Meanwhile he already has a name, Navarre, as the young hero of Ladyhawke, struck by an evil spell in the film-fable.

Proud and reserved, he is also meek, for more than ten days, the treatments and the analysis in the center for exotic wildlife and wildlife recovery of Monte Adone, who were assisted in the care of Navarre by a medical team and the hospitals in the area.

He underwent it to IV drips, X-ray, MRI, cardiology visits and blood tests, cured 24 hours of 24, treated with acupuncture. And Navarre show itself immediately showed the best of the patients.

The wolf, an adult of about 6 years, was brought by volunteers to shore, saved from certain death after it, had stunned into the river from the sedative shot by the intervention group, made up of volunteers and agents of Provincial Police. From the radiographs showed that other shots, other than a good end to sedate, had hit Navarre in recent months: about 35 lead pellets of 4 mm had sink into all over the body, without causing him serious injuries. One factor that certainly helped to make him still so weak, along with an infectious inflammation which led to a near paralysis of hind legs.

The treatment to which he is subjected is following to a precise protocol and are following from the day on which Navarre, after suffering cardiac massage and mouth to mouth resuscitation on the the pebbly shore, was lying in front of the fireplace of a nearby house.

"When we saw that he recovered - tell the volunteers that day Limentra dived in - it was a joy. We were afraid he would die. Navarre is patient, he shows that he is strong and with a great desire to live. All physical parameters are gradually improving. Now our objective is to send him back from his pack.

To Navarre will touch as soon as possible the same fate of Isabel, the wolf that was saved by the rescue center in 2005, treated and released into his habitat. They are not in the same pack and they never will meet as in Ladyhawke. But it is always a fairy tale ending.

Loyal Dog Braves Traffic To Stay With Fatally Struck Companion (Video) Now looking for a loving forever home...

Hunt to find a home for loyal dog who refused to leave her friend after she was run over in Los Angeles traffic A black Labrador retriever that braved traffic to stay by another dog that was fatally struck by a car has been hailed for its loyalty. A concerned motorist who saw the dogs on a La Puente street in Los Angeles, California, on Wednesday morning put down traffic cones to alert other drivers and shot a video of the dogs. The footage released on Saturday showed the female Labrador lying next to a motionless, yellow Labrador as vehicles pass dangerously close to them. Blood can be seen around the injured dog's head while the Labrador waits by its side Animal control officials responded to the scene and took the frightened but unharmed dog to a shelter. The Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control (DACC) said the two-year-old dog, who animal shelter staff and volunteers have named Grace, appears to have been well cared for. But nobody has come forward to claim her, and she does not have a tag or microchip implant, so she is up for adoption. DACC said in a statement: '(Grace was) laying in the street next to another dog, which was motionless and had suffered obvious head trauma,' according the San Gabriel Valley Tribune. 'When I saw the video clip taken from a passerby's cellphone, it made me emotional,' the shelter's director Marcia Mayeda said.
Article courtesy of White Wolf Pack.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Traditional music of Iran (video) Extraordinary music!

Luri is one of the purest dialects of ancient Persian language. The main musical instrument of Luri music is Kamancheh which is the old form of violin.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A dog in a cat suit?! This cat plays fetch and pants just like a dog! Hilarious video!

<a href='' target='_new' title='Cat Is Confused About Role In Life'>Video: Cat Is Confused About Role In Life</a>

The Crying Bull - A true story to open your eyes...

The Bull Who Cried:

Knowing it was about to be slaughtered, a bull in Hong Kong did what many people fail to realize or are skeptic about when it comes to animals - he showed emotion.

As reported by "Weekly World News", a group of workers walked a bull to a packaging factory. They were about to slaughter him to make steaks and beef stews. When they were close to the front door of the slaughter house, the sorrowful bull suddenly stopped going forward and knelt down on his two front legs. The bull... was all in tears.

How did he know he was going to get killed before he entered the slaughter house? He is even smarter than people.

Mr. Shiu, a butcher recalled, "When I saw this kind of so-called "stupid" animal sobbing and with his eyes in fear and sorrow, I started trembling." "I called the rest over to see. They were just as surprised. We kept pushing the bull forward, but he just didn't want to move and sat there crying."

Billy Fong, owner of the packaging factory said, "People thought animals didn't cry like human beings. However that bull really sobbed like a baby." At that time, more than ten strong men witnessed the scene and they were all touched. Those who were responsible for slaughtering even felt more touched and teared as well.

Other workers working at the same slaughter house also came to see the crying bull. It was all packed with people. They were all shock by this scene. Three of them said they would never forget this crying bull when they slaughter other animals.

With both man and animal crying, everyone knew that nobody could kill the bull. The problem was, what should they do with him? In the end, they raised funds to buy this crying bull and sent him to a temple, where the kind monks would take care of him for life.

After the workers had made a decision, a miracle happened. A worker said, "When we promised this bull that we will not kill him, he started moving and followed us."

How did he understand people's words?

Mr. Shiu said "Believe it or not? This is real although it sounds unbelievable." No doubt, this bull changed these butchers' lives.

Hopefully this story has in turn changed yours.

(Story and picture courtesy of "Open Your Eyes" facebook. posted by Jace K.)

Read more: Meet Your Meat here.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Please help stop selling dogs online through Craigs List by signing this petition.

Many dogs sold online come from terrible circumstances (i.e. puppy mills) and go to even worse ends, ending up in the hands of dog-fighters. Please help stop online selling of animals by signing this petition.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tell Europol and the EU to stop Dog fighting in Europe! Please sign this petition! (Beware graphic image of dog-fighting aftermath)

Sponsored by: ESDAW

Dog fighting matches are constantly being organized throughout Europe and the EU, in which dogs are - literally - forced to fight for their lives.

The so-called sport is very extensive and widespread, more than both the general public and the police in Europe are aware of.

These dogs live in very miserable conditions. Mostly, they are born outdoors on large breeding farms, in remote locations or in dark cellars, for the sole purpose - to fight well.

In most European countries, organized dog fighting are banned but these groups of people are shady individuals and in some corrupt countries even the police is participating in this activity. Due to these forbidden bet-events, thousands of dogs have to suffer every day, all year round.

It is all about breeding, betting and games which are advertised in a highly sophisticated and organized way via the internet. The most used dog breeds are races with already enhanced characteristics and by selective breeding these people are trying to increase these dogs' qualities and to improve the dogs' characteristics, like low stimulus threshold, aggression, tenacity and combativeness. Dogs used in this cruel sport are usually breeds as Pitbull, Rottweiler, mixed breeds but also other purebreeds.

The dogs are not born vicious or aggressive, but these unscrupulous individuals begins to train the dog when it's puppy and triggers the dog to want to fight and bite, which is easier for some races to embrace. All dogs in this industry that do not classify themselves in this cruel sport, are killed by shot or beaten to death.

Everything is done illegally, which means that these dogs are never insured or receive regular veterinary care or be part of society's rules. This industry has its own vets, medicines and it is common for the owners themselves to perform surgery on injured dogs.

Many dogs who are not used in actual matches are used as training sacrifice (target dog or bait dog). The champion dogs can practice their tactics on the "target dog" who usually has the mouth taped in order to only serve as a training body and is killed by being chewed to death without being able to defend itself. Many owned companion dogs are stolen to be "target dogs", but also dogs who are exclusively bred by these insensitive people are used for this cruel practice.

This is organized crime and ESDAW therefore calls Europol to urgently respond and conduct investigations in order to judge these criminals and gangs for their cruel actions.

For more information, please visit:

Dogs should be loved and cared for. Not subjected to this abhorrent cruelty, torture and death. What does this disgusting practice say about us humans as a species? Not anything good, that is for sure. Let those of us who are caring and compassionate turn things around by speaking out on behalf of these innocent creatures lives. We need to give a voice to the voiceless. Please sign the above petition, report animal abuse when you suspect it, and stand up for those who have do not have the capacity to speak up for themselves.